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Message for the New Year - 1/1/22

There is no life without love. Be patient with yourself and others. The world is slowly moving toward (more peace/pacifism) but there are still many moments of confusion and dread. Be patient. Know that this shall pass, as so many moments of seeming chaos have before, and that there will be a rainbow at the end of the (rain) storm. The clouds will clear and the Light will shine through. Be patient and do not give up hope. What you see is not all that is. Know in your heart What Is and believe with all of your being that the Truth will shine forth and Kindness will reign. Do not get lost in the illusion. Do not believe that the storm is reality. It is but a mess blowing by, clearing out the debris so that the Light may more fully shine unencumbered. You are Loved. You are never forsaken or alone. Love/Light does reign supreme.

Thank you. Is there anything that we should acquire or do to be more comfortable while the storm is passing?

Sit and feel in your body. Find ways to help find that peace more quickly and to help dissipate the tension or worry. Going within is the next task for preparation. Honing your skills for “survival”…being able to come to your place of peace, or inner knowing that All is Well, despite what you might see or what others might tell you. Strengthening your connection to higher awareness is the best preparation…less focus on the physical at this point. And Knowing that you are Loved and supported by so many angels and benevolent parties. They (other dimensional beings) have been (assigned) to supporting you in/on your case/cause. There is so much that has been artfully arranged to be able to support you and life on this planet in this moment of (darkness collapse). You are not forgotten, not on your own…this has been carefully orchestrated for eons. The support is here. Your task is to hold your energy in a realm of positivity and to listen and follow your inner guidance.

How can we best grow or support our gifts?

Connection and kindness. Arguing lowers the vibration and triggers egoic and wounded traumas, which spiral down the energy into a pit of lost potential. Support each other. Think before you speak to one another. Weigh the importance of your argument. Try complimenting each other more. Make a point to see more fully the light of those around you. Appreciate it. Appreciate your own strengths. Silence your inner critic (the one that beats you up…self evaluation can still be helpful for progress (i.e. what could I do better for next time?)). Keeping yourself in a state of peace, joy, and inspiration, and following your inspiration for an inspired journey, are the best things you can do for your growth and progress. And supporting another on his/her journey is a gift as well.

Thank you.

Creation is not a drop and go. The creator looks after, observes, his/her creation, and only intervenes when asked (when appropriate) or when a gentle nudge is needed. The creator does not create and then intervene all along the way (for the creator never would have created something so feeble and incompetent that it needed constant override or redirection). You are doing great. Others are doing great. Appreciate that about yourselves and others that you encounter. Ask for help when you need it, but only when you need it. The Father knows when you are capable of handling a situation (and won’t intervene if laziness is behind the request for assistance). (S)He equipped you (incarnated beings) with so many skills and talents, and sometimes your ability to sit with the discomfort and problem solve is such an important experience and gift that Source would not dare to intervene and take away the valuable moment (a forever experience) from you. When your pleas or requests appear not to be answered, it may be because you are being given the gift of experience and independence. You are such powerful beings (for you were designed to be just so), and you cannot realize your power when you try to give it away by asking for assistance in moments of weakness or discomfort when the Creator knows that you are more than capable of riding it out to find your answer, often in ways that will be inspirational for you or reveal to you more of your own true power. You are always Loved. Even when you feel you are being ignored or forsaken…know that in those moments, Creation itself is smiling at you saying, “I know you will get this! I know you can do it. And you will be that much “stronger” (in character, energy, and confidence in your ability) for it.” And when you make your way through it, all of Creation rejoices, for you have achieved Revelation (another bit of Enlightenment).


You are Loved.

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