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Good Always Triumphs

There is no way through it, no way forward without the Light. All would collapse without Divinity. Grace is what permits function of Life (Grace - not in a personified God’s whim sort of way, but the Goodness and Purity and Gentle Strength of All That Is). There is never an option for a spiral into total chaos, for there is never a moment without Source involvement. All That Is means exactly that…there can never be a moment when Source is not present. And therefore, there can never be a moment when one has to wonder, Which side will prevail?, for though there is free will and people can choose to have the experiences that they create, their free will can never take down the entire ship. The ship is governed by Supreme Love, Order, and (Fairness). Some crew members casting themselves into the murky waters will not derail the ship from its path of (excitement and greatness). Never fear. Never wonder. Never worry. All is Well.


Thank you. And the people passing in this time?

Some are choosing to leave so that they might experience freedom…greater freedom than they felt they were able to achieve in the body. Others came with the agreement to “take one for the team” (to allow for a learning experience for others) and exit in that fashion. But Love surrounds them no matter their perception, and you (all) needn’t worry or fret for them. All is Well.

Thank you. Anything else for us?

Your hearts are strong. They send such potent vibrations out into the world when they are actively (at peace). Take moments to center and continue to love. You are doing a beautiful job. Know that a hug or loving smile can (move mountains) with its positive force and potency. Bless you.


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